
Issues are at the heart of how Korbit provides feedback inside of your pull requests. You can think of issues as comments that any human would leave on a pull request, though Korbit will typically look to find potential problems for you rather than providing a wider array of feedback that you might typically be accustomed to from human reviewers.

Interacting with Issues

Chatting with Korbit

On any given comment that Korbit raises on your pull request, you can have a discussion with Korbit by replying to the comment.

Training Korbit through your feedback

By resolving or ignoring issues that Korbit posts along with giving a thumbs up or down ( Github only ), Korbit will use this feedback to improve your teams reviews. Learn more about Korbit's adaptive reviews here.

Issue Categories

Korbit will surface issues matching the following categories based off your selected review mode.

FunctionalityIssues related to feature functionality, edge case handling, user interaction outcomes, and proper integration of functions, classes, and algorithms.
SecurityIssues intended to protect your software against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other forms of exploitation.
PerformanceIssues related to how efficiently (with respect to memory and processor time) your code responds to user actions, utilizes resources, and processes data.
Error HandlingSuggestions for detecting, responding to, and resolving exceptions or errors that occur while an application is running, plus how those errors are explained to users.
ReadabilityClarity and consistency of the names of variables, functions, classes, and files your team uses in your code.
LoggingSuggestions to encourage writing clear, meaningful log messages, and ensuring that logs contain relevant information without exposing sensitive data.
DesignAny issues or best practices related to the consistency and clarity of the choice and application of creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns in your code.
DocumentationClarity and breadth of inline comments, API documentation, README files, etc., in your code.

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