Organization Settings

Organization Settings

In the Korbit console, you can customize how Korbit will interact with your pull requests and your team. Once you have completed the Getting Started Guide you can click here (opens in a new tab) to go to your organization settings.

Review Modes

Korbit provides two review modes which vary by scope.

EssentialThis mode prioritizes the most critical issues and only surfaces functional, security, performance, and critical design pattern issues.
ComprehensiveThis mode includes everything in essential and more granular feedback on non-blocking issues.

Adaptive reviews

As you address Korbit comments and ignore others, your team is tuning Korbit to understand which issues matter most to you. For GitHub customers, we also take into consideration the feedback you give us via the thumbs up and down reactions. Whenever Korbit suppresses issues, you can see them in a collapsed section in the PR review summary ( Github only ).

Automatic PR Descriptions

As a Korbit admin, you can enable or disable Korbit’s automatic pull request descriptions feature. When enabled, Korbit will automatically append a description of the changes to your existing pull request description whenever a Korbit review is triggered.

Korbit Resolve All Command

When enabled, this command allows you to comment /korbit-resolve at the base of your PR to resolve all issue comments that Korbit has posted. Regardless of this setting, Korbit will automatically resolve issues it posts that are fixed as new commits are pushed.

This is useful when Korbit analyzes larger PRs and sometimes finds a lot issues.

Manage Subscription

Subscribe to Korbit Pro or alter your existing pro membership. You can choose how many paid seats you purchase, and select which developers occupy those seats. You can add or remove seats at anytime, and view your billing history, subscription details and more using the secure stripe billing portal link.

Review Schedule

Korbit can be configured to comment on pull requests automatically and/or when a developer asks for input.This setting applies to all repositories in your organization. By default, Korbit will not comment on draft PRs.

You can always trigger a review from Korbit by commenting /korbit-review on your pull request.

Installation & Repositories

In order for Korbit to comment on your PRs, you must grant access to the Korbit application in GitLab, GitHub, or BitBucket.

Here you can see which workspaces and repositories have been granted access.

If you want to add additional repositories or remove access for one or more repositories, click through to GitLab, GitHub or BitBucket to make the change.

Manage Console Access

In this section, an Admin can invite other team members to the Korbit console. An Admin can also remove team members or change user roles of other members.

User Roles

MemberAccess to Korbit insights, dashboard, issue history and read-access to Korbitt's settings.
AdminMember permissions plus the ability to modify settings, manage users, and view or update billing information.

Reminder: Only developers who make PRs require a paid seat. Anyone who doesn't make PRs can be a member or admin for free.

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