The .korbit-config.yaml
file, placed in the root directory of your repository, allows you to customize Korbit's behavior for reviews and pull request descriptions. These repository-specific settings override the default Organization settings (opens in a new tab) in the Korbit console, providing flexibility to tailor Korbit's functionality to each repository's unique needs.
Configuration File Structure
The configuration file is written in YAML format and should be placed in the root of your repository.
- .korbit-config.yaml
Below is a sample configuration file with explanations for each setting:
# https://docs.korbit.ai/configuration/repository-settings
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://docs.korbit.ai/configuration/schema.v1.json
version: "0.1"
schedule: "auto" # Options: "manual", "auto", "auto_no_drafts"
auto_review_target_base_branches: # Optional: working only for "auto" and "auto_no_drafts" schedules
- main # branch name
- feature/** # Glob pattern
ascii_art_when_no_issues_found: true
schedule: "manual" # Options: "manual", "auto"
Key Configuration Options
version: Specifies the version of the configuration schema. Ensure this is set to the latest version to utilize all available features.
- schedule: Determines how reviews are scheduled.
: Reviews are initiated manually."auto"
: Reviews are automatically scheduled."auto_no_drafts"
: Automatically schedule reviews, excluding draft pull requests.
- auto_review_target_base_branches: Defines the base branches targeted for auto-review (branch you want your changes to be merged into). This accepts a list of branch names or Glob patterns. Applicable when schedule is set to
. - ascii_art_when_no_issues_found: When set to
, displays ASCII art if no issues are found during the review process.
- schedule: Determines how reviews are scheduled.
- schedule: Controls the scheduling of pull request descriptions.
: Descriptions are added manually."auto"
: Descriptions are automatically generated and added.
- schedule: Controls the scheduling of pull request descriptions.
YAML Configuration Validation Best Practices
You can view the JSON schema for the YAML configuration by clicking on this link: Korbit AI Configuration Schema (opens in a new tab)
To ensure your YAML configuration is valid and up-to-date, follow these best practices:
Install the YAML Extension: To enable automatic schema validation in Visual Studio Code, download and install the YAML extension by Red Hat (opens in a new tab). This extension provides real-time feedback and ensures your YAML files adhere to the specified schema.
Schema Validation: Include the schema directive in your YAML configuration file to facilitate accurate validation against the schema:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://docs.korbit.ai/configuration/schema.v1.json
Stay Informed on Updates: The Korbit team is committed to maintaining backwards compatibility, ensuring that your existing configurations will continue to function seamlessly. However, to leverage new features and enhancements, we recommend periodically reviewing the Korbit AI Changelog (opens in a new tab). This resource will keep you informed about the latest capabilities you can incorporate into your configuration, allowing you to optimize your Korbit AI experience as we continue to evolve our product.